Thoughts On Web Design

Add A Mini Cart To The WooCommerce Add To Cart Message

Add A Mini Cart To The WooCommerce Add To Cart Message

In this post we are adding a mini cart to the WooCommerce add to cart message.

Add Mini Cart To Message

1. Adjust as needed and add the following code to your theme's functions.php file.

function change_add_to_cart_message_html($message, $products)…

Add A Scroll To Top Button

Add A Scroll To Top Button

In this post we are adding a button that will scroll users to the top of the page when clicked using JavaScript and some CSS.

Scroll To Top Button

Add The Tag For The Button

We are adding the tag for the button to our html. Please note that we are using Font Awesome for the up arrow.

1. Adjust…

Add Checkbox To WooCommerce Checkout For Paying Processing Fees

Add Checkbox To WooCommerce Checkout For Paying Processing Fees

In this post we are adding a checkbox to the WooCommerce checkout page that allows customers to pay for the processing fees when they make a purchase.

Add Checkbox To Checkout Page

We are adding a checkbox to the checkout page. It will have a label that says "I would like to cover the 3% payment processing fee.". When it is checked, a Processing Fee line item will appear above…

Show Products Purchased On WooCommerce Orders Page

Show Products Purchased On WooCommerce Orders Page

In this post we are adding a products purchased column to the WooCommerce orders page.

Products Purchased On WooCommerce Orders Page

1. Adjust as needed and add the following code to your theme's functions.php file.

add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'add_wc_order_list_custom_column'…

Add Custom Field To Checkout For Specific Products In WooCommerce

Add Custom Field To Checkout For Specific Products In WooCommerce

In this post we are adding a custom field to the checkout page of specific products. The custom field will show an error message if it is blank. The custom field will show up on the orders page and the emails that are sent upon purchase.

Check If The Product Gets A Custom Field

We are checking to see if the product IDs from your cart match any of the products IDs that get a custom…

Change Wordpress Archive Title

Change Wordpress Archive Title

In this post we are going to change the default WordPress title for the Archive page. p

1. Adjust as needed and add the following code to your theme's functions.php file.

function change_archive_title($title, $original_title, $prefix) {
if (is_archive()) {

// Change 'Monthly Archives: %s' to what you want the title to say

Custom WordPress Excerpt Length

Custom WordPress Excerpt Length

In this post we are going to set the default WordPress post excerpt length and allow for different excerpt lengths in different templates.

Set Default Excerpt Length

We are going to set the default excerpt length.

1. Adjust as needed and add the following code to your theme's functions.php file.

function custom_excerpt_length()…

Shopping Cart Icon

Add Shopping Cart Icon With WooCommerce Mini Cart Dropdown

In this post we are adding a shopping cart icon to a WordPress menu that toggles the contents of your WooCommerce cart when clicked. We will do this by adding some code to your functions.php file while utilizing some javascript and CSS for the toggle functionality.

Cart Button with WooCommerce Mini Cart Dropdown


Hide WooCommerce Shop Page Title

Hide WooCommerce Shop Page Title

How to hide the title of the Shop page on a WooCommerce website.

Display WordPress Breadcrumbs Without Using A Plugin

Display WordPress Breadcrumbs Without Using A Plugin

Home > Shop > Cart > Checkout Breadcrumb navigation example

1. Add the


The Maltese Falcon

Life and Death in The Andes

Ender's Game

War and Peace


Brewing Up A Business

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